Part 36: The Day Bush Didn't Bathe
Update 36: The Day Bush Didn't Bathe

Welcome back! Bush is continuing his morning routine of baking food. Eventually we'll hit a point where we just don't have to do this anymore outside of adventuring provisions.

It seems as if those Pink Cats I planted are almost ready.
...I think I mentioned planting those? My memory is as unreliable as Bush's it seems!

Morning, Anette!


~"See you at the lake!" - Ganesha~
Tomorrow is the Ganesha Cup Boat Race!
As its name suggests, I am the sponsor.
Everyone, come by Lake Poli tomorrow to participate!
Tomorrow is indeed the Ganesha Cup Boat Race! It'll be a fun day, and the first time I get to do this festival.
Also, I just like festivals.

~"How goes exploring the Snow Ruins?" - Kanno~
How goes exploring the Snow Ruins?
Creatures in cold climates tend to grow
much larger than those of warm climates.
According to my documents, a monster
used to guard the ruins.
If that monster were still alive and fulfilling its duty...
That would be impossible.
I somehow think there's a high chance said monster is still fulfilling its duty.
Also to respond to how the exploring is going: "im getting my ass handed to me over here"

ANETTE: The other day, I was making my deliveries half asleep and I crashed into Erik's mailbox...

ANETTE: I can't believe I did that. He always treats me to meals, too... I mean, I fixed it, but still.
News Report: Lack of sleep is now leading cause of vandalism in Trampoli, with all of a devastating one case having been reported in the last two seasons.
Is this a downward spiral for our tranquil little town?
But seriously, I don't think he cares too much. He's an odd guy, but he is pretty chill.
Danny, on the other hand, he's not got much chill for how chill he tries to look.

ANETTE: Tomorrow is the Boat Race. I love festivals! Are you going to join, too, Bush?
1. I will.
2. I'm still thinking about it.
Unlike other questions, this one's attached to a holiday so it'll show up again if I just talk to her some more. I don't even have to
"I will."

ANETTE: Really? Then maybe I should join, too.
"I'm still thinking about it."

ANETTE: Oh, come on! Do it! It'll be fun!
Anette is very hyped for the boats, as you might be able to tell.

well, time to get extremely exhausted from the rainbow can

I'm having to even drop by to grab the rune from the cave strawberries. At least this will hopefully get better when Autumn drops.

manage those runes

BIANCA: Boat Race? I'm not going to participate. Aren't boats for servants to row?
Bianca doesn't like having to work for fun. I think even Selphy might be more athletic than her, and that's one low bar.
You can get her to participate, but that'll be a long way off from now.

TABATHA: Tomorrow is the Boat Race. Will you be participateing, Bush?

TABATHA: I wish you luck.
Tabatha knows Bush well, and immediately assumes he will be boating.

MIST: Tomorrow is the Boat Race. You race with boats.
She's... she's not wrong.

KANNO: Do you know why a boat can float on water?

KANNO: The Spirits in the water are pushing the boat up. But, the reason why the Spirits are...

KANNO: Bush! Are you listening?!
Bush believes in floatational physics, and has no need for runic theory.

MELODY: I hear that there's going to be a Boat Race tomorrow. I think they'll be racing with boats.

MELODY: Not a very witty name, don't you think? ♪
It really isn't. At least I don't have to wonder what we're doing though!

CINNAMON: Tomorrow is the Boat Race so you can't go fishing at the lake. Too bad.
There wouldn't be anything to catch anyways. All the fish are going to be hiding while Trampoli Drift is going on.

LARA: Sister Stella is getting very excited as she prepares for the Boat Race tomorrow.
Apparently, Stella is an avid boater. No wonder she's up there on the weekends, she must be shredding waves while nobody's looking!

UZUKI: Bush...

UZUKI: Tsubute... has not returned. I can hear him so I know he is nearby, but...
Uzuki's really not handling this well.

UZUKI: What shall I do, Bush?

BUSH: That's easy. If you think you were wrong or if you said horrible things, you just need to say you're sorry.

UZUKI: Say that I'm sorry...? But even if I did, Tsubute will never...

UZUKI: I don't know what to do...

UZUKI: Tsubute...
This is our sign it's time to progress this event for once!
In a minute though, I've got people to talk to.

EUNICE: Bush, will you be participating in tomorrow's Boat Race?

EUNICE: I can't. It's too scary to row a boat...
Part of me would like to think it would be pretty fun, but I'm also afraid of falling, so any loss of balance just sends my heart racing and not in a good way.

DANNY: Tomorrow is the Boat Race!

DANNY: Did you train for it, Bush? Even if we end up going up against each other, I won't go easy on you!
danny what are you going on about
you've never even been to the lake, what do you know about boats

Ganesha oddly has nothing to say about her own boat race, and instead continues to impress upon us the idea that wool is too soft and that the Green Ruins are dangerous.

Outside the shop, we hear an oddly familiar insect.
We follow the noise to the left of Ganesha's shop, and...

*Cicada noises*

BUSH: That voice... Tsubute?

TSUBUTE: Bush, did you come to laugh at my pitiful self?

BUSH: Of course not!

TSUBUTE: It is all right. I am not needed by milady, and her brother, milord, is still nowhere to be found.

TSUBUTE: All I can do is to rot here alone...

BUSH: ...
Seriously, have you been out here this whole time? What have you been eating?

Uzuki seems to have heard us, and approaches.

TSUBUTE: Milady...

UZUKI: Tsubute... It is all your fault... You were the one to say we should return...
Hold up, what did Bush just tell you?

UZUKI: ...No. I misspoke. That is not what I want to say!

Uzu: I'm... sorry, Tsubute. I am sorry for saying those things to you...
Uzu: I know I may be pushing my luck... but would you please come back...? I need you.

TSUBUTE: Milady... Those words alone are enough for me.
There ya go. I'm starting to seriously think you've really got too much stress built up or something.

(This new track is obviously for festivals, but it also sounds very Mineral Town-ish so I dig it.)

TSUBUTE: I am unworthy, but I shall work to aid you the best I can, milady!

TSUBUTE: And it seems that you still cannot live without me!

UZUKI: What say you?! I am an adult now! You can stop treating me like a child!
st. poli's stromboli, this lasted all of 5 seconds you two

TSUBUTE: Graaagh! What was that?!

TSUBUTE: You are still a child if you cannod admit your mistakes and apologize with all of your heart.

UZUKI: But I did apologize! Stop digging up what is past! You are an elder but you still act a child!

TSUBUTE: I am still better than someone who cannot even wake up on her own every morning!

UZUKI: Th-that only happened once! How dare you, you stubborn old coot!

TSUBUTE: Stubborn, you say?! Well, that is all because...

BUSH: (...They're back to how they were before. That's a relief.)
I wouldn't call it a relief, but it's better than depression, I guess? Maybe?
I'm starting to think Cicada Samurai Dad is the problem here.

UZUKI: Bush. It seems that I have caused you much worry. But there is no need for that anymore.
Yeah, you know what, you two do you
gonna go talk about boats with people

BUSH: Turner, are you going to participate in tomorrow's Boat Race?

TURNER: Not with how fat I am right now. I'll sink the boat! Hahaha.
Despite saying this, this won't actually stop him from trying. You'll understand what I mean tomorrow.

RITA: The Boat Race sure brings back a lot memories.

RITA: Of course, Turner can't row the boat being how fat he is now.
You could get a bigger boat, maybe? That little gondola's part canoe at this point anyways.

ERIK: Are you prepared to pick up the oar?

ERIK: Did you rub oil onto the base of the ship?

ERIK: Did you find someone to ride with you?

ERIK: Do you think you can beat me?!
Yes, no, no, and yes, in that order.

Selphy is now in the LP 8 range, about a week late for the Summer date. Asking her out now would only schedule for the Fall date, which is a tad odd given that's like 24 days away or something. It's almost a whole month off.
We'll have most of our bachelorettes available to date by then, and I'll show all of them off when we do.

SELPHY: The Boat Race? I'll pass.

SELPHY: Well, if I row a boat, I'll definitely get muscle pain the next day.

It's following this that I try to do another fight against Mimic Slime, but I briefly forgot that bosses get tougher after the first fight.

These Queen Hornets have double the damage and nearly triple the HP it would seem, so we get thoroughly owned in short order.
It's a good thing this was just an alternate timeline!

Back to the magic crystal mines we go, to impress our constellation teacher.
Today, I prepared some cookies as working food, and they're not too bad, despite the cost of 2 milk and 1 flour total being about 700g. The healing's okay, too, but they're definitely not the most efficient option for either choice. Just Warm Milk and Bread alone would probably be better.
I've got a lot of leftover Relax Tea Leaves, so I might just brew all that up and use it as RP food in the coming days. It's not like I need to give Melody any more now.

I think our next ring of choice is going to be a Silence Ring. Bush just relies so much on special attacks between his Axes and Magic that silence is such a killer.

Mist is continuing to misinterpret Bush's combat wear as rabbit ears and a scarf, rather than cat ears and a scarf.

Bahumbug, we need an Insect Jaw to make a Silence ring, and I just sold one the other day. Usually these things drop all the time, but now that I want one and don't have it, it'll never show.
Regardless, the materials are a Silver Ring, a Magic Crystal, a Pink Cat, and an Insect Jaw, and it's just barely in our craftable range.
Honestly kind of a rude move to make so many of these accessories need Magic Crystals later. I'm only getting as many as I do because I'm abusing savestates.
I spend a while looking through what we can craft, but remain just out of skill or just one material off on everything.

I then go to check with Kross about how close I am to the bedroom expansion. I don't really need it right now, but it's necessary for us to get married in the distant future.
The cost is 75,000g, which is something we can afford, but we still need 766 lumber. I suppose I'll have to get to choppin'.

Kanno's outside and therefore would tell us more about Cinnamon's backstory, but the festival dialogue is overriding it.

Following that, I ride to the church clinic and buy 10 energy drinks off of Lara. This costs 2600g, and is only going to net me about 500 HP worth of healing.
Such a pricy tradeoff, but the way I see it I can consider that 75,000g put in the bank, and everything else open to spending on food and medicine.

Bush takes a brief dip into Snow Ruins, but it goes south from the first Hornet. The difficulty ramp in this game is nothing like the others, and I remain continually punished for treating it like it is.

At this point I duck back to take a bath, something I would show if the recording hadn't seemingly broken at the end.
Luckily, nothing much of importance happens the rest of today, I take a bath, Iris had nothing new to say, and I go to sleep after finishing up some busywork.
Also, luckily, I record in chunks rather than one long recording, so I'm able to pick up tomorrow just before we go do festival things.

It's a bit after 10 the next day, a result of field watering and preparing some fish as work food. I hadn't yet thought about just using my tea supply instead.

UZUKI: I will not be participating in the Boat Race. The reason... Ah... My arms cannot reach! It is not because I am scared!
yyyeah, sure
whatever you say

EUNICE: Bush, good luck at the Boat Race.
...and that's it. Thanks, I guess!

SELPHY: Are you going to join the Boat Race, Bush?

SELPHY: Well... Good luck.
There is a yes/no prompt here, but her response is the same either way.

TABATHA: Today is the Boat Race. It is a race where you row a boat and gather balloons.
Well, I guess that says what we'll be doing!

BIANCA: You want to take part in the Boat Race? Then why don't you go to the lake?
In a minute, I gotta talk to people! Get all that juicy festival dialogue content that comes oh-so rarely!

MELODY: Today is the Boat Race. Be careful so that you don't fall off the boat and get taken to the bathhouse.
At first I thought this meant the bathhouse was somehow filled by the lake, but then I remembered the little water canals around Trampoli square and just outside the Laga Springs. I guess if we got sucked into the waterfall, we'd end up down in the canal outside it. We'd definitely want a bath after that, so I guess it's somewhat convenient?
You can alternatively take this as a comment that if we fall off the boat, Melody will be the first to try and rescue us. Evidently she knows how to swim or teleport given how she got back after that date.

MIST: Are you going to join in on the Boat Race today, Bush?
1. Yes.
2. I haven't decided yet.
Unlike Selphy's these do have different responses.
"Boats, boats, boats, boats-"

MIST: Oh. Good luck to you then.
"Not really sure yet."

MIST: You say that now, but you always end up joining.
She knows that about us, at least. Bush never misses a festival. Really the whole town seems to know.

ROSETTA: I heard that the Boat Race is today. The people of this village sure love their Festivals.
I say there's not enough festivals. Went all spring without a single one! Alvarna's got more, even if half of them are pointless!

CANDY: Are you going to join in today's Boat Race? Good luck.

MARCO: Today's the Boat Race. I wanted to join but I couldn't...

MARCO: I was told I should come again after I grow a little taller...
Man, Marco just never gets to have any fun. I really don't see why they can't hold a kids contest, aside from maybe these two being the only ones in town.

RITA: I'll just take it easy here for today.

TURNER: I used to ride the boat a lot with Rita before we got married.
So we have heard, yesterday, in fact!

KROSS: This year's Boat Race will be exciting.

BUSH: Really?

KROSS: Heh...

KROSS: The reason is you...
I guess he's got faith in our boating skills?

LUTE: So it's a boat festival?

LUTE: I'm not very fit so I won't join in.
To be fair, travel only really works your legs. It won't inherently do anything for your arms.

KANNO: I'm actually good at boating. I used to ride with so many kinds of people.

KANNO: Of course, men weren't allowed on.
Oh, Magic Grandpa, what are we gonna do with you? I mean, we kinda already got the idea he used to be a ladies' man from his comment way back on Foliage Day, here's just the confirmation of it.

LARA: Today is the Boat Race. Just be sure that you don't fall off and catch a cold.
Lara seems to think anything can cause a cold. I suppose Noradian medicine only goes so far when you have known cures to the common cold, poisons, and paralysis.


DANNY: Let's see what you're made of, Bush!
I would like to point out that Danny is still so shell-shocked from losing to Rosetta that he still greets with "W-welcome, good morning."
What I'm saying is that you're going down, son.

ANETTE: The Boat Race is today. I'm getting excited.
Anette got the day off, and she'll also be a competitor today!
although maybe not take the mailbag with you when you do it

ERIK: You better get pumped up about this!

ERIK: I've trained for this day!
Must be nice to have nothing else to do but practice for a boat race that happens once a year. No seriously, I'm not being sarcastic, that'd be great.

GANESHA: Did you come to join? Then talk to Stella.

GANESHA: Bush, I'm counting on you to do well!
With Danny and Erik presumably being the only competitors for the last year, I guess people are hyped to see what we can do.

STELLA: You want to enter the Boat Race?
hell yes

STELLA: If you're entering, would you like to hear the rules?
Saves me from explaining them, so sure.
(i've also never done this before)

GANESHA: I'll explain the rules.

GANESHA: It's simple. Row the boat around to gather balloons. Blue ones are worth 1 point, yellow are worth 5, and hearts are 10 points!

GANESHA: If you gather a heart while a girl is with you, you'll get a speed boost! Oh, the power of love...

GANESHA: Of course, if you're alone, hearts won't do you any good other than as points.

GANESHA: Time limit is 60 seccs. The one with the most points wins. The winner will recieve a prize that will make his girl very happy.
That's a lot, but I think we've got it. Now then...

STELLA: Bush entered the race!

GANESHA: Oh? Just you? This could have been your chance to impress...
Yeah, I dunno, none of 'em asked. I'm just here to beat Danny and Erik.
VOICE: Bush, hold just a moment!

TURNER: *huff* *huff* *gulp* *huff*

TURNER: Bush, I can't let you get on that boat alone.

BUSH: (Whoa, Mr. Turner's already drunk!)

TURNER: I won't let you, Bush. The flower of all Boat Races are girls!

TURNER: I cannot allow a young man to row a boat alone! If that's what you were planning, I have something.

TURNER: It can't be helped. I'll get on the boat with you!

BUSH: But...
Bush says this, sweating and with tears in his eyes, fearing the impending disaster of having a drunk Turner on board. Alas, all he wanted was to show up General Store Guy and Vegetable Store Guy. Heck, he could just bring Pony.
I told you Turner would find a way on that boat, didn't I?
VOICE: Hold up!


MELODY: Hunter of Hot Springs, Melody, makes her entrance!

MELODY: I heard, Bush! You're going to look for a hidden spring in the lake, right?

BUSH: What?! When did that story get around?

MELODY: It sounds fun, so let me come, too! Okay? Cool!
Luckily, for us, and Bush's desire to win all festivals, Melody has come prepared with a plausible-ish story as an excuse to get on the boat.
...Or something like that. You have to have gone on a date with a girl before they'll show up for this, which means that date a few updates ago is even luckier than it seemed.

MELODY: Well, if you're ready, let's go!

TURNER: *gulp*

MELODY: Bush - Melody pair wishes to enter!
Given we'll be making waves, Melody has come prepared with her swimsuit. With how fast she changes and how there's no changing room up here, I can only presume that she was wearing this under her robe and was maybe just planning this the whole time?
Turner has presumably already forgotten about the situation and is drinking even more wine.

GANESHA: Bush, your life is tougher than it looks...
You don't know the half of it.

A familiar tune strikes up as we get to see the gauntlet of balloons that lie ahead. Our targets in this quest.

STELLA: All right, then. Start!
In a rare moment, this line is voiced!

Also, boating! In between that black screen, Bush changed into his swimwear because I guess it'd be awkward if Melody was the only one.
The boat's rather hard to get up to speed at first, you've roughly gotta time it when the paddle just hits the water again. It also doesn't show the usual B button prompt either, so you have to time it without that as a guide.
It doesn't really matter too much though as-


Put more coherently, as long as you've got a date on board and hit those heart balloons, you go to max speed instantly, and will maintain it for a couple of seconds.

The problem is that your turning speed isn't really that good, and it's easy to miss a lot of balloons.

MELODY: Keep going!
Part of me thinks it might be easier without a date, despite everything, but we're not getting out of this if we wanted to. There's no way to turn down a girl jumping on board.
Also, whatever date you have will also give some encouragement as you go around. It contrasts a bit with Bush's constant "HYEAGH!", (the same battle cry as the axe special,) every time he hits a heart balloon.

Balloons you collected recently will also be underwater until a certain amount of time elapses.

Our first attempt nets us 295 balloons.

MELODY: Rune Factory Frontier!
Location: Lake Poli
Results after this.
Before we head to the judging, we get short little zoom out from Melody where she exclaims the title of the game. Also a text box informing us that we are at the lake, as well as that the results are coming after this, as if this was a commercial break for an anime or something.
I think that's what they were going for? At least it's the only time we hear anyon else but Bush say the game's title- unlike other games, only he does it on the main screen.

As the song's title suggests, the results them is in fact a remix of the Coquille manor's theme.

STELLA: Now for the results of the Ganesha Cup Boat Race!
*Many "whoa"s can be heard, the same for when we expertly craft*
This line is also voiced. A lot of budget went into this festival.

STELLA: 3rd place. With 61 points, Erik!

ERIK: *sigh*
hah owned

STELLA: 2nd place. With 295 points, Bush!

BUSH: Oh, man... I was so close!

MELODY: We were almost there. Let's try harder next year. ♪

STELLA: And finally, the winner of this year's Ganesha Cup Boat Race is...

STELLA: With a whopping 375 points, Danny!

DANNY: Naturally.
No, I can't accept this. If it was Anette, sure, but I'm not losing to Danny.
It's time to turn back time.

Oh and also we get a safety mask as a surprise, oddly menacing in the age of Corona. It's rather hard to see from all the bloom.
Cutting this attempt here, let's try this again.

After 3 more tries, I get to this run, our 5th attempt. I've finally managed to find a working strategy by this point.

MELODY: Just keep going!
The paths are curved in a way you can hit most of the hearts in a loop, but you have to be very aggressive about turning. Starting off, I actually grind against the edge of the left island here.

You'll inevitably miss a couple of blues and yellows, but if you keep grabbing the hearts, you should be in good shape.

This turn on the right side is the worst given how sharp it is, the best you can do is hard cut left when you grab the heart here.
Oh, and as a general tip, hold forward movement any time you want to stabilize your turn, it seems to help a lot.

MELODY: Just a little more! Keep rowing!!!
This time, I finish with 414 points.

Skipping ahead of what we've already seen out of the awards ceremony, Erik gets third again, but...

STELLA: 2nd place. With 374 points, Anette!

*She does a little jump off the ground.*

ANETTE: Aw, so close. I was this close!
Anette, absolutely shredding it out there solo.

STELLA: And finally, the winner of this year's Ganesha Cup Boat Race is...

STELLA: With a whopping 425 poins, Bush!
Apparently we grabbed a few more balloons as the screen faded out or something.

BUSH: All right! I won!!

*Melody does a little pose*

MELODY: Yay!♪ We're great together, don't you think?
That's up to the thread to decide!

STELLA: The winning prize is... Cat Ears!

...Oh. We're already wearing those. I'd give it to Melody and we'd match, but she will not wear anything but her awesome witch hat as far as my testing has shown.

STELLA: This concludes this year's Boat Race. Did you have fun?
It was more realized than the melon smashing, at least!

MELODY: Congrats on winning the Boat Race!

MELODY: Riding with you was so fun!
I have no idea how it controls without a bachelorette on board, and no way to test, so I'm left assuming you made it much easier!

Winning this with Melody has absolutely maxed her bars out, as well as jumping everyone's LP by roughly 1/3rd of a bar!

STELLA: Isn't it time for you to think about settling down and getting married?

BUSH: Huh?! I... Uh...
Valid response, Bush.

STELLA: This is a good time for you so let me give you this.

BUSH: A... recipe?

STELLA: That's right. This will tell you how to make a "Wedding Bouquet".

STELLA: You take the person you like to a romantic place. Then you give the bouquet when things are getting exciting.

STELLA: This is how we propose marriage in this village.

BUSH: Propose?!

BUSH: I think it's a bit too early...
No kidding, the others haven't even finished their storylines yet! Also, I don't think we can even get married until we finish the main story anyways.

STELLA: It doesn't do you any harm to hold onto it. Just give it when you made up your mind.
You got Happiness 101!

STELLA: This is something you just can't do alone. You have to think carefully about who you give it to.

BUSH: All right...
Luckily, I've got the thread to make these decisions for me.
We're running a bit long on this update today, but before we close this out, let's go over the more important conversations.

EUNICE: Bush! Umm... Do you have a minute?

BUSH: W-what's wrong, Eunice? What happened?

EUNICE: Bush... Do you...


BUSH: I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you.

EUNICE: Bush, do you prefer thinner girls?

BUSH: Um, I guess so.
bush, you dink

1. Yeah, I prefer the slimmer type...
2. Well, not exactly.
Let's be honest, we all probably expected this question to come up eventually.
This is the bit of Eunice's storyline that was a bit controversial, namely you can influence her to lose weight (and perhaps that it's even the default option).
Now, I don't have anything against the idea of a character trying to lose weight and wanting our help as a workout buddy or the like, exercise is a lot easier when you do it with someone else, I've found. That would've been a fine direction for this.
But what we get is this toxic situation entirely based on what the protagonist wants visually, and that's the killer.
Given Eunice isn't one of the 6 vote winners, I'll make the choice I think the thread would probably go for anyways.

BUSH: Of course not. I think it's best for people to just be themselves.

EUNICE: Really? It seems more hopeful now. Thank you so much.

BUSH: O-oh... (I feel like I just made a very important choice...)
Girl, you fine, don't change yourself for nobody.

KROSS: Congratulations. Who will you give the prize to?

KROSS: If you'd like, you can give it to me... I mean, nothing...
Is there anyone else we'd give it to?

KROSS: Thank you... I will gladly accept it.
You can have it, my dude. Happy boat day!
(It won't visibly show on him, but how could I say no?)

... I could've sworn I watered this this morning. Huh.
Anyways, before we close out we've got one last person to talk to.

Hey Mist, we-

BUSH: "...Right..."

BUSH: "...That's how I wish I could say that day went at least."

BUSH: "But the truth? Well, you might already know this didn't happen."

BUSH: "You see, yesterday..."

BUSH: "I didn't go to the bathhouse."

BUSH: "That's... when he entered the picture."